Westervelt Lodge
July 11, 2018
SCA Articles

Wingshooting is a traditional sport in Alabama. Westervelt Lodge’s nationally recognized professional wildlife and forest management program has attained and preserved our treasured tradition of providing an outstanding, natural hunting experience—a true challenge in a fair- chase setting.
Wingshooting can be fully guided or set up for those who prefer hunting with their own dogs. Westervelt Lodge also offers plantation-style quail hunting, doves, and mixed-bag hunting that includes chukar and pheasant. Clients can also experience European-style driven pheasant shoots.
From the challenge of hunting hard-flying birds in our mature upland pine forests to our fencerow style of open-field hunting, Westervelt’s wingshooting experience is unmatched.
Call (800) 281-7991 or visit online at westerveltlodge.com.