Duck Bay Lodge - Sleeman, ON, Canada

Date:November 6, 2017 3:40 pm

Lake of the Woods is a beautiful area filled with the outstanding fishing opportunities that every fisherman dreams of finding. Tucked away in our remote location, you’ll enjoy some of the finest fishing in Ontario, Canada. Our Canada fishing trips are made to create dream retreats for fishermen, the kind where you’re able to hone your skills, improve your techniques and hook the big fish you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine casting your line on sandy beaches, rocky reefs, weedy bays or steep shorelines, surrounded by wooded areas and sparkling waters.

Phone Summer/Lodgen(623) 853-3891 or Winter/Office: (204) 757-2986 Cell: (623) 853-3891
Contact Form Email


Mailing Address

R.R. #1
Sleeman, ON, Canada, P0W 1M0

Box 18, Group 318, R.R. #3
Selkirk, MB, Canada, R1A 2A8

United States of America
Lake of the Woods
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