Chante Sport Fishing Charters

Date:July 12, 2017 2:08 pm

Some of the best bass fishing in all of Ontario, heck let’s go Canada, can be located around ‘the islands’ just off-shore from Leamington and Kingsville, ON. Jumpers that’ll take your breath away and light line fights that you’ll remember for a lifetime.

A great day on the water means fish, fish, fish and perch fishing will keep you busy all day long. John’s light line fishing makes even the most modest of perch seem like a monster at the end of your pole. This is super family entertainment for young and old.

Long known and recorded as the #1 destination for large bodied and large numbers of walleye – Lake Erie’s Western Basin. Walleye with shoulders that can bruise you up over the course of a Chante Charters trip. Hang on!

Phone 519-733-3231
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Mailing Address

P.O. Box # 53

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