After 34 years of trophy management, this will be our 14th year of guiding on our 6,500 acres.
Our first 13 seasons we have had over a 70 percent success rate, thanks to skilled hunters and a bit of luck! We will continue to work hard to maintain these types of opportunities for you. It appears our mineral program is paying benefits as the younger deer seem to be developing better skeletal structures at an earlier age. We again had hunters pass on P&Y deer looking for larger animals, these are true trophy hunters! We will continue to take only a small number of hunters. If you are interested in hunting, get in touch with us as soon as possible.
By: adventures
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Double B Outfitters - ND
2332 US-21, State Rd, NC 28676, USAPhone: John (701) 785-2335 David: (701) 676-2233