Since 1984 Dickson fly fishing has been guiding and teaching clients how to fish for Steelhead, Salmon and trout.
We offer guided river float trips, walk and wade, beach, and lake fishing. We fish Spey and single handed rods.
Puget sound rivers including the Sauk, Skagit, Stillaguamish and Skykomish. In the Spring we live on the Olympic Peninsula fly fishing for Wild steelhead on the Queets, Hoh, Bogachiel, Sol Duc, Clearwater, Upper Quinault, and Humptulips. Fall Steelhead include the Grande Ronde River, Methow and Wenatchee. Contact us today to get on the water and fly fishing!
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Dickson Flyfishing Steelhead Guides - WA
Arlington WaPhone: Mike 425-330-9506 / Dennis 425-238-3537